Thursday 10 March 2011

BBC Bugs Girl Power Age representation 

Throughout the entirety of the specific scene in Bugs Girl Power, age is successfully represented through the use of mise on scene, camera, editing and sound.

It is evident from the opening of the clip that age will be clearly demonstrated throughout,  when the two older men are walking in front of the two younger women, it highlighted them to be more powerful, within the clip, they spoke in pompous language and wore smart clothing, as well as a badge which too helped highlight their importance.

As well as the adults talking of the girls age, her age is too shown though her sitting position, she sits crouched with her hands wrapped around her legs, conveying that she may have been nervous.

The colour blue and green have connotations of the spy and techno atmosphere which is a contrast to the how young the girl is 14.

Although there is only one child in the whole of the scene, she does however contradict the typical stereotype of a child, as she is both arrogant and appears superior to the the alternate adults within the scene.However the way she acts such as being moody and  rude does show similarities between the associations of a teenager.

This is evident through her use of sophisticated speech, and her use of expert terminology. Despite this when be spoken to by a fellow character (the older women) she is looked down by the camera, therefore as a result the audience too are able to associate the young girl with the idealisims of inferiority and immature.

Furthermore through the use of shot reverse shot between the woman and the child, it highlights the aggression and tension between the two. the woman spoke in a dominated and harsh tone in order to highlight her superiority within the scene.

Inorder to differnetiate between the 2 dfferent age groups who appear within the scene, it is apparent that mise en scene has been used, to assist in doing this, therefore the style of clothing athat each character wears is an insight to their age and personality, the men and women are wearing smart suits, which is contrasting, to the opposing child who wears baggy and comfortable child like clothes.

As well as this sound is used effectiveley too, when the adults appear to be looking through the window at the girl, the sound playing is of a dark tone inorder to convey sympathy and empathy towards the young girl, however the music is a contradiction to the negative image of the girl.